
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
51. Using humour - pt2
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
This is the second episode of a two-parter, which is looking at humour and some ways you can add a little bit of gentle humour without having to kill yourself with studying comedy or working too hard to get those laughs.
In the last video, number one of this two-part series, I talked about poking fun at yourself. In this one, I’m going to talk about how to set up a joke using what we call subversion of people’s expectations... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
50. Using humour - pt1
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Do you try and add some humour to your presentations and your speeches? Or does it seem like a huge mountain to have to climb to try and be funny and it’s something you want to steer well clear of?
I want to share over the course of two videos a couple of simple tips that you can use to be a bit funnier... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
49. Behind The Scenes: Why I hold an off-site for one
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
I am starting off a new series in my videos my vlogs and my podcast and it’s called Behind The Scenes. While I absolutely love to share speaking tips with you I also get questions about the way I run my business and why I do certain things.
I want to talk about why I have started running corporate off-sites for one person. And that one person is me. I’ve got a small business ... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
48. Get help from live streaming
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Tuesday Oct 01, 2019
Do you use live streaming as a tool to help you with your public speaking? Because if you’re not using it to help you with your speaking you might be missing a trick.
A lot of my clients are small business owners who want to get out there and make more of an impact and grow their businesses. Of course, live streaming is a big deal these days because we can livestream on pretty much all the social media platforms... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Friday Sep 27, 2019
47. Are you prepared to act it out?
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Are you prepared to act it out? Now, I didn’t say "are you prepared to act up and be difficult?", but are you prepared to act it out. An act out is a specific tool that we can use in public speaking to add a bit of drama and a bit of life to our presentations.
Why would we include act outs when we present?... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
46. Take control of the stage area
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Are you prepared to take control? And I’m not asking you to march into the audience, start telling them what to do and become a little dictator towards them. No, the question is are you prepared to take control of your stage area?... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Friday Sep 20, 2019
45. A formula to engage your audience
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
What do you do when you’re in front of the audience? And they don’t seem to be in the right mood, or in the right state of mind, to listen, and to absorb your message?
What I want to share with you today is a little story about my time in the performance world and what I’ve taken from that to the world of public speaking. And how that applies to engaging your audience. Especially when they seem like they’re not in the mood to listen to what it is that you’ve got to say... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
44. Always close with added value
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
Tuesday Sep 17, 2019
When doing your public speaking, I want you to think carefully about how you close your presentation. The reason I’m raising this topic now is because I was lucky enough to watch 24 speeches back to back as the judge of a public speaking contest and it was clear where somebody put some time and thought and energy into how they were going to end vs "oh, I don’t know how I’m going to finish this, I’ll just make my last point" and then effectively kind of dropped the mic and walk off. ... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Friday Sep 13, 2019
43. People love universal themes
Friday Sep 13, 2019
Friday Sep 13, 2019
When you speak, one of the themes that run through your presentations, are they love, hate, gratitude, fear? Whatever they are, let’s talk about that today. I want you to not be afraid of universal themes because they come back again and again.
And quite often we feel that we need to be creating something outside the box and doing something really different, but universal themes can have a huge impact on your audience... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.

Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
42. How to grow your business with public speaking
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Would you like to grow your business and increase your impact with public speaking? Well, if that’s the case, then this episode is for you, because I’m going to show you and teach you how to be a STAR.
This framework is one that I put together, which is called the STAR framework. And STAR is an acronym that stands for the four things that you must do, if you want to go out there and win business through public speaking... READ MORE
Go to www.sholakaye.com for useful freebies, tips and more.
Create a speech stress-free and fast with my free guide 5 frameworks to ace a short speech.